Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Daughter's Mother's Day Gift To Me

On Mother's Day, some women make lists of the jewelery or appliances they want, and brunch, lunch, or dinner are bestowed upon us as acknowledgement for the time, energy, and stress that we put into being in charge of the little lives we've brought into this world. These tokens of love are wonderful gestures, but for me, the gifts that I never forget are the spontaneous ones that come directly from the heart with no retail middleman. That's why, when I woke up this morning and found this note pinned to my door, I was surprised, impressed, and touched in a place that a bouquet of flowers could never reach:

Dear,  My beautiful mother,

Because of my signature comma after the Dear, you can tell right away who this is.

Happy Mother's Day!! I'm sorry I can't buy you any gifts because, well let's face it, I'm only thirteen. Anyway, today is your day and you deserve it. 

You're the best mom I could ask for. I know I yell at you and have nasty attitudes some of the time, but in the end, I love you. You take great care of me and buy me all of my clothes and food, and I'm soooo grateful. 

Whenever you and I are together, we always laugh...well most of the time. You're a crazy, funny, gorgeous, weird, and loud mama, and I'm proud to be called your daughter.

You always support me in everything I do, like soccer, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, and dance.

Yo solo queria decir que te amo. Que estas haciendo un gran trabajo con nosotros, los ninos. He aprendido un poco mas espanol solo parce ti. Una madre de sus hijas es mejor amigo de verdad. Te quiero a la luna y de regreso.

Happy Mother's Day!

Your favorite child,     


Bella is my youngest child. She is the most practical of all my kids, and is great at looking at the big picture. In just three short years, the other two will be away at college and we'll be alone before she graduates. This note is just the beginning. She knows the value of being the only child, especially when her siblings will be very missed, but far away.

Well played my friend.

CF Winn is the award-winning author of The COFFEE BREAK SERIES, a quirky group of short stories meant to be read while on break or in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. Her first novella, SUKI, has been grabbing hearts and hugging souls all over the United States. 
You can now order SUKI in paperback at BOOK REVUE, one of the nation’s largest independent bookstores, by email at Learn more about SUKI at BOOK REVUE. 

More posts like these can be found at Humor Outcasts and The Patch where she is a regular contributor. 
CF Winn is the founder of Winning! Publications, a firm specializing in editing and promotion services for authors. Her latest project is the just released Trailer Trash, With a Girl’s Name, a hilarious and heartwarming story of a boy saddled with a girl’s name and forced into a nomadic existence. Order it now: 

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